Wow I don't know how I can sum all of that up. We had a BLAST! That was originally supposed to be our honeymoon, but we weren't able to take it after we got married since the Arizona reception was less than a week from the wedding. But, we still loved going. We spent three days at Disneyworld, and we went to all of the parks except Epcot, but our favorite parks were Blizzard Beach and the Animal Kingdom. We have lots and lots of pictures, but it would take forever to look through all of them. During our stay we stayed in Disney's Saratoga Springs Spa and Resort. It was so beautiful and so nice! After our short stay at Disneyworld, we got to the Disney Cruise. It was so nice, we loved everything that we did on the boat. It had so much to do, and we didn't even get to participate in it all. But, by far our favorite thing about the boat. Were the shows- there was a show every night, with music and dancing. And it was so fun! The two ports of call were Nassau, Bahamas and Castaway Cay (Disney's private island in the Bahamas). We went to Paradise Island in Nassau- and the hotel looked more like a museum than a hotel, but it was so beautiful- and they had their own beach, water park, aquarium, casino, and shopping mall strip. We saw sharks, and sat on the beach and did a little bit of shopping. Then Castaway Cay- wow, what can I say? The water was blue and clear- snorkeling was incredible because there were so many fish and other creatures. But, I think our favorite part was going to the adults beach. There were probably twenty people there, and there were hammocks and no one was in the water. James and I went wading through the water, but it didn't seem to get deeper. We were walking out to see for about twenty minutes, and the water was still just to the top of my leg. We stepped on a lot of live sand dollars, and we found a lot of dead ones- and we brought one home (after about five of them were squished and we gave two away to a mother for her daughters). One of James' favorite parts about this island was that we were wading through the water and we found a stingray. It was just swimming through the water. Neither of us dared to touch it since it was wild, but still it was right next to us. And in comparison to the other cruise ports I've been on, I loved Castaway Cay the best, because once you get off the boat there aren't people begging to take you anywhere, because the island is a little bigger than a square mile- and Disney is the only one on it! Another really fun part of the island is that the food is free and there are always activities going on: crab races, sand castle building (disney's employees are professionals), dance parties . . . they had it all. Plus disney characters. Now James and I didn't take any pictures with characters, until we got to their island. Jack Sparrow was there, along with the Flying Dutchman. Since they finished making all of the movies, they are docking the boat at Disney's Castaway Cay. Cool huh?!