And things are just average :) Just kidding, things are amazing, but Emma's stats are around average. We went to her 2 month doctors appointment and she weighed a whopping 10 pounds 15 ounces- moving her from her 2 week appt from the 10th percentile to the 50th! YAY EMMA! She's such a good eater! Her length also jumped from the 12th percentile to just under the 50th at 22.5 inches. Her head circumference jumped from the 25th to the 38th percentile. Okay, but besides the medical stats, I love my alone time with Emma. I'm pretty sure she likes it too because we can talk for such a long time about nothing; and those are the most precious conversations I have had in such a long time. She also loves to smile, but I seldom catch those pictures on camera since she gets distracted by the camera. And lately, she has become distracted by the TV.