If anyone even still reads this blog- I'm sorry- I'm really bad at blogging. But alas- I have PICTURES. Doesn't everyone know that they hardly read what you write, it's the pictures people come to look at? :)

Just a beautiful little girl, who is about to turn 1! CRAZY! I'm trying to remember some things to share about her, oh yeah she loves to balance by herself. She has taken many steps, the most we've counted in a row is 12. She as you can tell by the pictures is in the phase of putting absolutely everything in her mouth- so we've had to keep an eye on her. She now has all four front teeth in. She especially loves emptying containers- like the laundry basket or the utensil holder in the dishwasher or any drawer. She has become quite the climber. She has started waving again. I think that's the most adorable little thing seeing that wrist flap up and down. She gives high fives. Oh but, of course only to people she's comfortable with. Most of all- she loves ELECTRONICS- phones, cameras, the laptop, you name it- she'd probably love to play with it as long as it lights up and does something when she presses buttons. She loves her daddy, especially when he comes home from a long day at school and she can hear him coming up the stairs- she gets really excited. Anyway, in just under 2 weeks we'll have a 1 year old and I can't believe it. Believe me we'll take lots of pictures and throw a fun birthday party for her and post all about it. Again- sorry for the long lapse in posts!