But doesn't that feel like an eternity? I mean when you are carrying so much extra weight around? It's gotten harder, when you sit on our couch you sink down and I have to have James give me a little push to help me up. As well as help me put my socks on. I have never been a fan of untying my shoes, so I can slip all of mine on- including sneakers (which I'm basically wearing all of the time right now). So he's lucky there :) I have discovered a lot of things I definitely don't like about pregnancy. The biggest being that everyone stares at your stomach. In the words of Stephanie Tanner, "how rude!" It's just funny, it's like you are an alien and they've never seen anyone pregnant before. And maybe I'm not a touchy-feely enough person, but I don't really enjoy all of the tummy touching. So- sorry friends who read this- no offense, it's just weird having you rub my tummy!
Our last check up was great, the doctor is still shocked that my blood pressure isn't rising. I think he last measured me at 98 over 60. The doctor said our baby is starting to slow down in growth, he said this is normal, but it makes me feel so much better! I pray almost every night that she'll be late. I know this is normal for most first time mothers, and it makes me feel even better knowing that I'll be similar to my mom who was never less than 6 days late with all of her pregnancies. It just makes me worry, I would like a few days free from school to relax before I become a mother. And I would have a hard time having the baby during finals, or at graduation. So we're still praying that the baby will come April 27th!

But I should be blogging about James. He'll never toot his own horn, so I'll do it for him. He hasn't finished applying to graduate programs yet, but already gotten into 2. University of Arizona for a masters in Finance and the University of Rochester for an MBA. And he's already been offered a $20,000 scholarship to Rochester! He has a couple more applications to finish, so we won't know for a while where he's going, but I think he's holding out for Boston College, Duke or Vanderbilt. It's confusing weighing the scholarships with the prestige of the school, but I'm positive he knows what he's doing, while we continue to pray about it, his options seem to get more and more broad. But isn't he so smart?!
He would never let me take a picture of just him, but these are from our engagement pictures, and since he didn't know our photographer he wasn't comfortable saying no. Aren't strangers great! He took a couple of just James and they are some of my favorite ones, but I'll most likely never get anymore of just him. Unless I'm sneaky, but he's so handsome that it's a shame he doesn't like pictures!