Thursday, April 1, 2010

37 and a half weeks!

Dear Baby,

We went to the doctors yesterday and you're starting to make mommy nervous. The doctor measured me to be 3 centimeters dialated and 80 percent effaced already. I was hoping to have another 3 and a half weeks, not less than 2 and a half. We're really excited for you to come, but mommy and daddy aren't done with school yet. I guess that's not an excuse since it is my fault that my capstone paper isn't finished yet. So I will work my hardest to get it finished within the next week- because we're so excited to meet you! But, we do wish you would stay inside mommy a little longer so that you can be as big and healthy as you can be.

Mommy and Daddy


JamiLeigh said...

Oh my goodness Erin!!! That's crazy and exciting!!

Eric and Lindsay said...

WOW already??!!!Crazy!! Please stay in baby!

JamiLeigh said...

Was that an April fool's day joke Erin?!

Kayli Sue said...

I was 3 centimeters and 80% for 3 weeks... so you still could have time!

Anjuli said...

I was 3 and 60% for 11 weeks. I think you could still have time.

MEllsworth said...

Oh wow! I wish we could swap places. Our little guy hasn't even dropped all the way so I have nothin happening. I'd probably go way overdue if they wouldn't induce me... Good luck with everything!!

AEllsworth said...

Sorry I didn't realize I was signed in under Miles but that comment "was" me, Austin :)