Wednesday, January 19, 2011

$20 Amazon Gift Card for $10

Okay, I have really loved all of the deals that have been coming out, my favorite was nordstrom 50 dollar gift card for 25 dollars, but that's over. And now . . . you can buy a 20 amazon gift card for 10 dollars.

I love Amazon, I buy lots of used books and movies from them for great deals. So I couldn't pass this up, also I think there are a lot of you that would also appreciate the great deal as well. So I hope this helps someone out there!


Aimee said...

Is this real?

Erin and James Sweeney said...

Yeah, it's kind of like groupon if you've ever heard of that. I buy certificates to restaurants for half price. This is the first time I've ever seen one for Amazon.